If you have a lived or living experience of suicide, please get involved

Posted 19th May 2020

As we work towards advice that will shape a whole of government approach to suicide prevention, it is critical that we hear from and learn from those with lived or living experience of suicide. There will be a range of targeted consultations occurring over the next two months, with a national survey open now to capture diverse views and perspectives. 

The University of New England is conducting research to understand the ways in which people experience suicide from a personal point of view. This information will be used to inform the work of the National Suicide Prevention Taskforce and to help shape interim recommendations to be provided to the Prime Minister in July 2020.  

For a long time the voices of those who live intimately with suicide have not been taken into full consideration when designing and delivering suicide prevention research, programs, services and policy. This research project provides an avenue for these voices to inform the next stage of our prevention, intervention and postvention initiatives in Australia. 

The research team want to ensure a wide variety of people from different ages, groups, cultures and experiences participate. Please consider completing the survey or passing it on to your networks who may be interested. 

The survey can be accessed via: https://bit.ly/2UuTwLH

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