Premier of South Australia signs The National Communications Charter

Posted 5th September 2019 in The Charter

The National Communications Charter (The Charter) is being signed by leaders across many states, showing a commitment to promoting a common language in mental health, mental illness and suicide.

Ahead of World Suicide Prevention Day, the Hon Steven Marshall MP, Premier of South Australia has signed the National Communications Charter.  

In doing so, the Premier has pledged to promote consistent and respectful language around suicide, while supporting efforts to provide appropriate information about available help services.

The Charter’s guiding principles and key messages align with the 2017-2021 South Australian Suicide Prevention Plan, highlighting the impact that stigma, language and poor responses may have on people seeking help.

“Suicide claims too many lives in South Australia and we must ensure communities are provided with consistent information and messages to encourage those struggling with mental illness to reach out and seek help,” Premier Steven Marshall said.

“The whole of government is working together on Suicide Prevention via an Issues Group on Suicide Prevention, consisting of 23 Senior Executives from each Government Agency, which is a working group of the 13 member Premier’s Council on Suicide Prevention.   Both of these groups support the work of Suicide Prevention Networks aligned to council regions and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities throughout South Australia, in the coordination of information to raise awareness and educate the community around mental health and suicide prevention.”

Premier Marshall joins the Hon John Dawkins MLC, Premier’s Advocate for Suicide Prevention, the Premier’s Council on Suicide Prevention and the Issues Group on Suicide Prevention as signatories to The Charter.

The Charter is a guiding resource for these groups in providing a whole-of-government approach when implementing mental health and suicide prevention strategies.

To find out more on The Charter, visit:

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